
标题: Paymentwall is the leading global payments platform [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2020-8-21 09:26
标题: Paymentwall is the leading global payments platform
Paymentwall is the leading global payments platform. We allow 5 billion people to make payments using not only credit cards but also 150 local payment options all over the world. We help over 200,000 merchants, including SEGA, LG Electronics, Bandai Namco, Shopify, Kakao Games, Kigo, Wargaming, Tencent, and Gameforge to expand globally.( U5 b" P" k  L) b& f3 r
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Paymentwall是一家全球领先的支付科技公司,其线上支付平台能够容纳全球数百万终端用户使用包括信用卡、银行转账,电子钱包和预付卡在内的全球150种本地支付方式进行付款 [1]  。Paymentwall已帮助全球超过25万家知名企业和商户成功拓展海外市场并提升营收效益 [1]  。通过全球18个办公室 [2]  ,Paymentwall能够为商户和终端消费者提供多种本地语言支持。Paymentwall的呼叫中心、风险防控和防欺诈部门、以及商户支持团队还提供7×24小时全天候服务支持。
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" @+ }* ^" {4 R6 X$ {: ZPaymentwall provides a wide range of services for digital commerce:' |- C) U- a4 o: e8 L1 P
Global payment coverage
0 W- i+ E* A  {, F3 }! \9 {1 X: ~0 kFraud and risk management7 P4 d, ^2 l* A# }( V. Z" |
24/7 international customer and merchant support) e7 f4 {- G! Q) _
Advanced delivery confirmation and risk management APIs
4 z! l8 \1 e" m' t7 G9 n" G7 WSales and Pricing Optimization
: j6 _4 ^1 w# J" |6 xUI/UX Customization
2 @) Z# p# r: z" C: n* bSkinnable checkout widgets and flows
9 j5 P  Y5 p4 e4 @" ]1 P5 v- x3 yand more!! b! z( N) w( Z

+ v6 I2 i1 O1 H; O; _. P官网:! }4 v  I  v; G) }
https://www.paymentwall.com/cn/" R3 Z( g9 K* z3 l  H' c/ S1 b3 p
  z; I& [3 b; w9 p& K6 u- s# s

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