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[网址处理] BeLink v1.0.2 - PHP短网址系统,URL缩短器应用程序

admin 发表于 2019-9-7 10:25:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Belink是Vebto团队的新作,BE家族的又一款新代码,PHP短网址系统。' [: Y1 F  `, R" g* Y
360截图20231121235812010.jpg 1 o, k! s4 k' H: @& N+ M
$ c. ?0 C3 E3 o
: {8 e/ B8 {, Q$ w  x/ P& W# V援引官方说法:belink是目前可用的最高质量和最先进的URL缩短器应用程序。它可以在几分钟内没有任何编码知识的情况下轻松地创建您自己的公共或私人网址缩短网站。# C2 a. W' ~  b, E% y8 s' P# \
, E( C3 b7 c& y本次的BeLink一改往日风格,在语言翻译方面做了跳转,首次将基本完整的语言包都做成了短语,汉化更方便一些,记得reishi前几天汉化的architect,那是相当麻烦,要自己手动一个一个的加短语并进行翻译...
7 r( j, B; |. W5 {* d
) C& _) J* B5 d7 m% r在线演示:
% q; M/ V; h9 J3 z! }% Y. S- G: c$ s
$ t8 `+ _6 L% {* f4 p- ~前台演示! D4 z* M5 R( k: V( W
https://belink.vebto.com1 z5 [8 e& P! z. j5 G
后台登录9 S0 P& K7 C' t4 u2 x* @5 @
https://belink.vebto.com/login, ^7 ]+ m4 }+ ~/ A! u( m
; B; `8 V2 h2 p) j- v
4 P/ M( \' m2 u3 {+ `( l
! a' L( Z; v9 ]# T; t+ LEditable Homepage0 t1 p# A0 E) U% ^+ D7 z" L1 r
(Optional) SaaS mode
" V# @  a# U4 z  ]7 n% bHigh Performance
0 R8 U* R& {7 w6 j' R- aAPI
2 _4 b" g" z0 H) b/ [Link Statistics+ P( x3 N& b# \/ o
Link Groups
) H/ t, \1 I# z5 _( fLink Sharing2 O* [, q5 i9 r. {9 m/ f* }
QR Code
1 a1 c! _% g( Y- i- J: ]2 Y3 NCustom Domains' W6 U/ J: a* ?; R, n& P7 q7 ~  c
Link Overlays0 q# k$ A9 I2 ~
Link Custom Pages
: s4 x. t' r5 G8 _& T4 yLink Splash Pages1 H2 l0 h2 L  j2 w+ T, [( @
Expiration Date
3 x9 A! P0 U& D7 ]& Z" ECustom Link ID
# F* }1 o4 }$ g; E# dLink Metadata: l  D% G* l: F+ r
Password Protection
; M* P4 R! Z( Y* `( [URL Validation) ^6 B3 f( K- g
Tracking Pixels
1 U! V0 B1 d6 t3 ?: pLocation and Device Targeting
( E2 d0 H/ W" z* {& s% |+ ~+ TMultiple URL Shortening4 L7 J5 D& t+ g  g4 o5 E
Permissions and Roles
" N: d& d8 S( n: s  ~Appearance Editor) }7 S! _# v. Z, P0 X' V
Dark Mode7 X4 J1 J4 C5 |& |
Custom Pages
5 E9 D1 U8 b  e4 `* RMenu Editor$ c3 X9 \- |9 y1 M- C
) x7 r$ y9 B3 x0 E* L# ^Custom Code
, R+ b: M) r4 C+ u6 OIn-Depth Documentation% K' D/ s% o, v- Z
SEO Editor
1 K3 ~8 r) n) T" e2 s* r( SAuthentication  b. y, @* Z! G  @8 U* L
Mail Template Editor
* J9 F6 P6 M' N1 V3 F7 SContact Page5 U4 V! u1 V0 l! \2 V  t
Integrated Ads
' {9 A/ c! e$ I  W- `4 B! ~Modern Design
7 v4 S6 }; d/ `. _) c' W4 dSettings$ i. V  I) ^1 ]. S
Google Analytics( s( u5 J; J9 K% F# x/ O
Multiple Homepages! l7 @, X# N7 J, ]4 j: R: K& {6 C
Sourcecode$ e% t# A! F, Y, J- h# e1 A

) X2 L3 \# ]/ n) {( \系统需求:' n2 i$ x' p2 B# n5 {# x
5 M; ~" M/ Q" u- e: m
PHP 5.6 或更新0 c. i, p; m4 I( c0 E
PDO 扩展3 Z/ w/ {0 \: L$ \# e
php_fileinfo 扩展; r# C) G' i  P
MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.+ m2 b3 Z9 c& q3 h

- f" E5 C3 a& L更新日志:
% i$ C% q( a, K: F$ f9 B8 I
- g+ W2 l: K# m; E2019 August 21 - Version 1.0.2
+ l2 ?; A, P' a! u# w1 @5 YNew Features" X4 |" Z- r* R# E+ a: p& W7 h& }
Links can now be created via built-in API.
4 u) _* T* Y4 [( ?7 @Enhancements9 h: K( F, c2 q! ^( x. J6 A! ]
Default domain for links can now be set from settings page./ {' f5 R$ T4 `  ^& X+ }! X, x
Domain selection can now be disabled.
$ `3 T3 m0 _- i5 g% ~Improved responsiveness of link splash page.
. O: i3 ?/ ?$ |; ZBug Fixes
7 J) h; {* g6 p8 [& t6 L% F' @& WProperly set status code to 301 for "direct" type links.
6 y9 Y5 P1 f6 J) WAfter adding new link from group page, only links for that group will now be shown.4 z- s7 K2 H, K! g! F2 ^) c9 W
Statistic titles on landing page can now be translated.
1 J# s2 {' ?, ^% M7 i# L" W5 z2 L1 kTop devices chart will not correctly show devices instead of platforms.
0 N9 [7 e8 Q; g8 d' ]! K2019 August 18 - Version 1.0.13 s. ~; V( E2 R1 X- r
Enhancements' Z5 i) I$ L, P. f* g$ K  Q
Link overlay "label" and "button" can now be hidden.
8 B6 k- G# r$ l9 D2 r! RDefault preview image will now be shown on splash page, if destination site is not reachable and preview image can't be generated.4 c7 D; K& ~3 t2 I1 l/ J& b
When link overlay is deleted all links it was attached to will have their type set to "direct" automatically.
$ T3 n8 v) a5 l. ^/ NInvalid url formats should now be better detected.- J* |9 G% i4 B9 l/ H! `/ C4 o5 C
Bug Fixes
2 h$ g' ?  n- VHomepage will now properly use SEO content from "admin -> appearance -> SEO" page.
8 ?( A) B8 v- Y7 KLink overlay type will now be properly displayed.
6 C2 l( {0 M+ \1 z( v4 KFixed an issue where link overlay or tracking pixels sometimes would not be deletable.& l4 x5 ~. ^  n$ m; X# Y
2019 August 15 - Version 1.0.0# W4 b, h* X) g% P9 }6 u5 Z
Initial version.
8 k; @1 \: Q: z9 e! d
' Q2 e% z# l4 P/ g
3 ?! c' j- a/ {" E0 w# x% `$ j下载地址:- Y. X+ W- i! `+ I% ^' e. h3 U: H/ [

# Q" h& W9 X, N1 V2 A6 T链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19LjB8LbkBFigVQA7zjuImw 提取码: jxkg
7 s) K+ J9 z2 [; x2 u3 N/ G6 g
) }  T7 Z3 V/ K9 E# M8 @6 s! V
* m4 f9 A! |/ R2 H% h  J8 C


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